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Non-Stop in Egypt

Project Highlights
December 3, 2020

Cairo Festival City

The amazing success story continues with more and more offers being considered to continue post plan and enhance the offers for a unique customer experience.

EUROPTIMA was called in to provide its estimating skillsets and capacities on a new major phase of hospitality offer in CFC. An amazing achievement delivered in record time to help the investor evaluate his options and simulate his ROI and plan forward the growth of CFC into the next decade.

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Cairo 1

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Cairo 2

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Cairo 3

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Cairo 4


In tough times… We grow!

EUROPTIMA has been delivering non-stop in Egypt since 2007. Our expertise and knowhow in construction & project management, economics & quantity surveying and advisory solutions is being deployed across the country on a variety of large and complex mixed-use developments and master plans.

We have recently reinforced our team by welcoming two new quantity surveyors on board with estimating and costing skills and contracts administration.

We are set to continue to grow and sustain our highest standards of quality deliverables for the foreseeable future.

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Our construction sites have continued to operate unhindered during this pandemic. At EUROPTIMA, we implement the highest standards of safety and security as the health and well being of our staff comes first. Our developed technology and digitalized platforms have proven to be invaluable, facilitating online productivity by our teams. We have remained connected with our clients and our international offices throughout the global lockdown period. We are so proud that despite the difficult time we have continued to thrive, to deliver to our highest standards, to secure new assignments and to continue to create job opportunities in Egypt.

Said Lebien – CE&QS Executive Board Director
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